January 7, 2014

Pick up the pen, Hit the keys.

 Create; verb
the act of banging one's head on the desk until 
something interesting comes out. 
Author unknown
pen: no description
I love to write. One reason why I wanted to start a blog, hoping I would be able to sit down and write more. Heh, but starting this, I'm not feeling the inspiration I usually have. Why am I doing this then? Because I need to post something that's why! Here's a quote I like but I'm going to tweak it a little to suit my needs at the moment. 

'Some letters make a word.
Some words make a sentence. 
Some sentences make a page,
And for me a page is a post!'

And its true. But finding a subject to write about is not always easy. Usually for me its usually whatever I have in my head at the moment I try and put it down on paper. But of course, what do you write when your mind is blank? Well, you can do what I'm doing right now, writing about how you have nothing to write! Here, check this poem I wrote earlier this year about this such problem. 

 I Lost by Emily B. 

I am sitting here, having a stare down. 
Yes, the paper is winning. 
For there is no writing inspiration to be found.

I have this pencil tight in my grip, 
In my head its evilly grinning. 
Every word I try to write seems to slip. 

My fingers twitch with frustration, 
My nerves feel my pain.
I don't think I'm ready for this confrontation.

My mind searches for an idea, something. 
My conscience wonders if I am sane.
At this point I'll settle for any one thing. 

This might amuse you, reader, but I'm having a difficulty.
This never happens to me, the poet!
My creativity has come to be faulty. 

Writers' block can happen to anyone, I know this. 
Well, everyone tells me but so what?
For me writing is always bliss.

But now, I'm sorry to say, I quit. 
I can't do this at all.
I must turn away and for the first time, forfeit. 

I shy from my desk, I admit defeat. 
I walk away probably looking pitiful.
Sometimes the life of a poets' the hardest you'll ever meet.  

Okay, be honest, how was it? And look, what did I tell you? I got a page full of words, sentences and paragraphs! A post! 

Emily out! Poem written by me, please don't copy without permission!