March 30, 2014

Use Caution.

I haven't written in a while and I need to stop that.  I really need to just set a word goal and write!

So anyway, I wanted to write about something I've happened upon recently. A couple days ago I had read one of those 'creepypasta' short stories on pinterest. It involved haunting faces in the windows and a pretty terrifying picture to accompany it. That night I couldn't sleep, at all. 

My side of the bed that I share with my younger sister is facing the two windows facing the outside. The story was still fresh in my mind. I tossed and turned, menacing, gaunt features with black irises kept popping into my imagination. You might think me young and childish but yes, I was scared. This probably went on until one in the morning or so before I could stand it no longer. 

I ended up going to my mother and telling her my trouble. She soothed and let me turn the hallway light on to shine through my open bedroom door as I put music on to take my mind away. After talking it out and getting reassurance from my mom I was able to quickly fall asleep. 

When I had first read the story, I had no idea it would plague my thoughts as it did. And as I figured out it was a horror, I still had time to turn away and look at something else. But honestly, I was thinking 'oh you're old enough to handle it, you'll be fine.' And after finishing it I thought it very cool, interesting and well-written! But as the darkness fell into my room later that night, the story tried to come to life. 

I'm more cautious of what I look at and read on the Internet now, for I know that one glance can stay in my subconscious. So, all in all, I learned a lesson that I thought I would share. 

Emily out. 

February 12, 2014

Guess what.

Just a quick little thing to share,.. I'm an aunt!

Yup, my sister had her baby in January, then my brother's son came February 8th.
I'm pretty happy and I hope you're feeling good today too.

Emily out.

January 7, 2014

Pick up the pen, Hit the keys.

 Create; verb
the act of banging one's head on the desk until 
something interesting comes out. 
Author unknown
pen: no description
I love to write. One reason why I wanted to start a blog, hoping I would be able to sit down and write more. Heh, but starting this, I'm not feeling the inspiration I usually have. Why am I doing this then? Because I need to post something that's why! Here's a quote I like but I'm going to tweak it a little to suit my needs at the moment. 

'Some letters make a word.
Some words make a sentence. 
Some sentences make a page,
And for me a page is a post!'

And its true. But finding a subject to write about is not always easy. Usually for me its usually whatever I have in my head at the moment I try and put it down on paper. But of course, what do you write when your mind is blank? Well, you can do what I'm doing right now, writing about how you have nothing to write! Here, check this poem I wrote earlier this year about this such problem. 

 I Lost by Emily B. 

I am sitting here, having a stare down. 
Yes, the paper is winning. 
For there is no writing inspiration to be found.

I have this pencil tight in my grip, 
In my head its evilly grinning. 
Every word I try to write seems to slip. 

My fingers twitch with frustration, 
My nerves feel my pain.
I don't think I'm ready for this confrontation.

My mind searches for an idea, something. 
My conscience wonders if I am sane.
At this point I'll settle for any one thing. 

This might amuse you, reader, but I'm having a difficulty.
This never happens to me, the poet!
My creativity has come to be faulty. 

Writers' block can happen to anyone, I know this. 
Well, everyone tells me but so what?
For me writing is always bliss.

But now, I'm sorry to say, I quit. 
I can't do this at all.
I must turn away and for the first time, forfeit. 

I shy from my desk, I admit defeat. 
I walk away probably looking pitiful.
Sometimes the life of a poets' the hardest you'll ever meet.  

Okay, be honest, how was it? And look, what did I tell you? I got a page full of words, sentences and paragraphs! A post! 

Emily out! Poem written by me, please don't copy without permission!

November 23, 2013

Music In My Head

Music in my head.

M.....Majestic....Violins and pianos or an orchestra reaching its climax.
U......Unity....Bringing together a church congregation of worship or friends bonding.
S......Serene....Induce calming for sleep or nerves. Remember whistling when you were scared?
 I.......Inspiration....Only known cure for any block, on your life, your work or your heart.
C.....Constant....Something that will never go away. When you need something steadfast, choose music.

I love music. I'm not sure if I could go a day without it, really. There always seems to be a song in my head, or a tune on my lips. And I hope that there will continue to be one every day. 

Emily out. 

 No copyright intended for the pictures I used. All rights to their owners. 

November 14, 2013

Feel good, Look good---part 2

Part 2 of 2 - check out my first post HERE if you missed it.... 

Let me try and paint a picture. Bear with me as my skills with this are not that good.

You see a young woman walking with those pretty heels you say at the store, she has on shorts that don’t really cover her bottom and a cut-off tank-top. Over exaggerated swag is incorporated into every step. And with all the make-up on her face you wonder how she really looks underneath.

Then behind her walks another girl, wearing jeans that are fitting but not a second skin, a shirt that is loose but attractive, her face free from make-up, no more than lip gloss and she has on boots. She walks with confidence, and seems happy.

Now, can you see them? What do you see?

I see that both of them do have confidence, but one seems more comfortable and at ease then the one hoping not to fall.

Which one would you choose to be? But please understand that I am not trying to pressure you into anything, this is just another opinion in a sea of them, but I would like it if you could stop and think.

Do I want to live for myself or others?

Do I want to display all of this (come on, be arrogant) just because all the other girls are doing it?

I’m not saying you should put layers upon layers, just be greedy with your body!

What you do think? I welcome your comment(s).

image credit:

Emily over and out.
Bye, beautiful.

November 13, 2013

Feel Good, Look Good --- part 1

Part 1 of 2:

Okay, let me tell you now why I like to be modest in my clothing.
For the Fall.

A lot of girls today seem really taken with booty shorts and plunging, tight low tops that leave nothing to the imagination. The typical teenage girl’s outfit, really. But I don’t want to be typical.

And there are so many other ways to: feel good about yourself, look good, and make an impression on others from a glance.

First, feeling good about yourself is only how you feel about yourself. If you’re thinking that you’re not pretty, or that you don’t look good in anything you try, you’re destined to fall before you stand. This is something my Dad and I try to tell my Mom, but she doesn’t know that she’s beautiful. Otherwise where did I get my looks?

Second, looking good is not skin deep. It’s in your attitude and the way you present yourself. If you are down and grumpy or snappy, people might always think you’re like that. Same with the way you walk. If you walk with tall pumps (not hating on high heels, which can look awesome) with your hips swinging out of control and your eyes half-closed and seductive, well, that just gives anyone looking at you the wrong idea.

Walk with confidence. Yes, you can strut how you want but be comfortable with it. Walk for yourself and no one else.

Third and last, people can make opinions all they want, but you honestly don’t have to give reason for a bad one. Your clothes make all the difference.

Check back for part 2 in this series of "Feel Good, Look Good" coming soon.

Until then,

Emily over and out.
Bye, beautiful.

November 6, 2013

My first post/about me.

Hello! I am Emily, a young woman and a daughter of the Lord. This is my first post on my first blog, please bear with me and/or give me a comment or two of things that you have learned doing your blog that help or just how you're doing today:) I am homeschooled by my mother along with my younger siblings, but I also have two older ones out of the house. I am #3 in a family of seven children. So, um, I can't think of anything else at the moment so I'll talk to you later! 
Emily out.